Bancable | PRIVATE

Customizable solutions for providers


Skip the beaurocratic friction and manage clients/beneficiaries with ease by working with us to create your own custom private bank experience.

Bancable Private


Bancable’s private label service is the avant garde of independent private client services. Our global platform streamlines how money is handled internally as well as internationally. Offering providers the opportunity to customize a wide range of services that facilitate your organizations mission and goals.

Whether you’re a fund manager, first trustee or financial custodian of a faith based organization we are here to help you launch correctly with respect to your preferred jurisdiction or governance.

By bridging traditional financial systems with modern technology, we simplify the way to make money per transaction while enhancing security. The integration of fiat currencies and digital currency ensures seamless payments without the complexities of traditional exchanges.  


Complete Transactions with your revenue model built in utilizing our custom modules to KYC, Ingest and disburse capital securely to over 100 countries.


Manage funds end to end through our digital banking module complete with the hardware for a total solution customized to meet the needs of your organization.


Trustees utilize all available modules with the security of being able to work within your trust resolution while minimizing the exposure of a fiduciary trust in any jurisdiction.


Participate financially where traditional banks/institutions only service your business. Generate revenue, redistribute capital, access investment grade metals and financial instruments.


Investment Advisors and Fiduciaries take control of your private book. Generate revenue per transaction passively, redistribute capital globally, access investment grade metals and financial instruments.


Funding providers get access to modules that allow for the ingesting capital and its redistribution securely, while maintaining compliance of usage of funds.


Financial Infrastructure As A Service (FIAAS) provides private sector, governments and enterprise clients with all of the tools necessary to deploy fintech solutions on demand.